WomanVolleyball Sky Elite Ff Mt 3
Sky Elite Ff Mt 3
153,00 170,00
The superior cushioning of the SKY ELITE™ FF 3 indoor shoe gives you the confidence you need to improve your playing style. They're designed to help you jump higher while still providing the comfort you need to land softly.

The shoe's new RISETRUSS™ technology is strategically placed to help you jump higher, but still gives you the comfort you need to play with confidence and land comfortably. Your FF BLAST™ PLUS ECO superior cushioning provides extra bounce during jumps and an incredibly soft landing. Its power-lock system firmly locks your foot in, providing a stable base that increases your ability to launch yourself into powerful jumps and enjoy superior cushioning on landing.

How do the SKY ELITE™ FF 3 indoor shoes help you jump higher and land more smoothly?

RISETRUSS™ technology is strategic
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Sky Elite Ff Mt 3
153,00 170,00
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